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Marching Band/Wind Ensemble Updates and Schedules- Week of 6/10

Wind Ensemble Schedule and Updates

So many awards! So many reasons to celebrate!

Congratulations to all of our Award Winners

and Nominees over these past few weeks!

We are so lucky to have such amazing students in our programs!! 

Happy last week of school! Congratulations to our graduating class of 2024!! And congratulations to all of those who received awards this last week! 

As we come into our final week of the school year, I'd like to say, “Thank you!” All of the time and care that each of you has given to these programs this school year has made an incredible difference! Though the year was a little rocky to start, we ended strong with a beautiful banquet and some wonderful performances. It is your hard work that makes all of the things happen! Thank you so much for your constant support.

We're preparing for our Summer Programs and getting ready for the next school year! We have some amazing things to looks forward to! Keep reading your emails!

There will always be events coming up and we always need volunteers! Every time you help, every moment of time, every item, and every dollar donated, makes our programs better! And the best part is getting to spend time with the best kids in Huntington Beach!!

Click the link below to see our upcoming Marching Band, Orchestra, and Color Guard events and find out how you can help!

We changed our Saver's FunDrive drop of date to be in August and we're looking to accumulate a bunch of stuff to do a major donation and get lots of money for our program! So we still want your stuff!! And we will be collecting throughout the summer.

  • We are accepting... 

  • Soft Items (clothing, linens, shoes) Please place in kitchen trash bags

  • Hard Items (toys, household items, sporting equipment) Please place in cardboard boxes

  • Books and Media (books, magazines, dvds, cds) Please place in cardboard boxes

  • Keep an eye out for drop off dates

  • Or contact Cielito at if you want to arrange a drop off.

Wind Ensemble/Jazz Band

 Schedule and Updates


Band Schedule- 6/10-14


  • Monday, June 10th

  • 2:00pm Music Department Softball Game!

  • Tuesday, June 11th

  • 2:00 - 3:30pm Drum Clinic

  • Wednesday, June 12th Wind Ensemble @ Commencement!

  • 11 - 11:30am Quick play through of Pomp and Circumstance and Big Fun In the Sun.

  • 11:30 - 12:15pm Load into the stadium

  • 12:30 - 1:30pm Section leader meeting

  • 3:00pm Call time back at band room

  • 3:30pm Begin playing in stadium 

  • 4:00pm Graduation!

  • Thursday, June 13th 

  • 1:15 - 3:30pm School instrument return, locker clean-outs, flip folder return.

  • 1:15 - 3:30pm Leadership work-day

  • Friday, June 14th

  • 1:00 - 3:00pm School instrument pick-up.


Upcoming Events


June 26th-29th, Jul 1st-2nd - 4th of July Parade Rehearsals

July 4th - 4th of July Parade  


Additional Notes for Parents/Students


-We’ve finally made it to the last week of school! We have a few out of the ordinary things going on this week so I’ve given a description below so students know if they need to attend.

-Monday: Voluntary, but everyone welcome! We would absolutely love for all students to join us on Monday for our Music Department softball game! We’ll meet at the band room and then walk down to the baseball field together. Please bring a hat and water, and a bat or glove if you happen to have one.

-Tuesday: Any interested drummers! We are having our first off-season drum clinic on Tuesday at 2pm. 

-Wednesday: Wind Ensemble. Everyone in Wind Ensemble will be performing at Graduation on Wednesday afternoon. Seniors do not need to be at school to help load into the stadium or for our mini rehearsal. Seniors will meet us at around 3:00 to play with us before the ceremony.

-Thursday: New Leadership, and anyone currently renting a school instrument. Anyone with a school instrument needs to return their instrument on Thursday after school so we can take stock of instruments and inspect. Leadership will also be meeting after school as well.

-Friday: Only those needing to rent back out an instrument over the summer. If your student would like to rent an instrument back out for the summer, they can come after school on Friday to get that signed out. 

-We would love for all current students, alumni, and incoming 8th graders to join us for the 4th of July Parade! Check out the 4th of July Parade page for more info:

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