APA Orchestra Schedule & Updates

One more weekend of APA's Fall Musical, Les Miserables! The first three shows went really well. It s truly an amazing production and a credit to all of the departments involved! You don't want to miss it!
We still need a few more parents to volunteer to
feed the Pit Orchestra, and to work at the show.
Thank you so much to everyone who helped all of our departments get through their busy weekend! Football concessions, uniforms and Middle School Night; Competition chaperones, equipment truck drivers, and parent drivers to get our Pit Orchestra back in time for Les Mis; Feeding the orchestra and helping out at the show! There was certainly a lot to do this weekend! We can't do it without you and we are so grateful for your help to show our kids love and support!
This Saturday, our Marching Band and Color Guard will have an exhibition performance at University High School and there is a Les Mis Performance! Luckily, our University High School performance happens much earlier in the day and we should be back with plenty of time before Les Mis.
It certainly is OMG's busy season!
But our community is here to support you
in any way you need!
And don't forget,
"many hands make light work"
and the more we can help and support each other,
the better our program will be
and the easier it will be for all of us!
Are you getting all of our updates and emails? Make sure you're registered as a Member at www.oilermusicguild.org so you don't miss any updates! We're full swing into the school year, which means lots of events and activities coming up!
Connect to our OMG Google Calendar to keep up to date with program-wide happenings and events! Click the link below and subscribe to OMG Calendar! Check out the program sections below to add those calendars also! Our calendars are also available on our website.
Looking ahead-
CSBC Championships- Hosted at HBHS needs YOU for it's success! Working parents are welcome!! We can work around your schedule if you can help. We still need some key co-Chairs for Champs. Several Chairpeople are senior parents and so we are looking for Junior, Sophomore, or Freshman parents so that you can carry on the knowledge for next year. Please let Cielito know if you are able to help, hbomg.president@gmail.com.
Champs Co-Chair: good at event planning
Parking Co-Chair: good at logistics
Ticketing Co-Chair: good at handling money
Programs and Sponsorship: computer skills to build layouts. We have templates already
Here is a more detailed description of each position.
Do you have a Band or Color Guard student you want to give a shout out to at Champs? Purchase a student ad in the CSBC Program for Champs. Visit our website shop and choose Full Page, Half Page or Quarter Page Student Ad.
Group sign ups https://signup.com/go/qpOdrPS
The school year just started, but we're already thinking about next year's OMG Board! Being on the board is a great opportunity to get involved and help all these talented students. If you know someone who would be a good fit, or if you want to be more involved in nominations, please reach out to our Parliamentarian, Linda Farrow.
Revisions of the OMG Bylaws are in the works. The Executive Board will be making necessary changes to include new Directors and to make sections more clear and concise. The revised Bylaws will be sent to ALL members and voted on at one of our Guild meetings.
Please pay your transportation fees (necessary for bus rentals, we can't travel to comps without this!) https://huntingtonbeach.myschoolcentral.com/(S(cuahjwctyzw1rddt4fpimuog))/Index.aspx#/12357/product/548
Please pay your Fall Band or Color Guard Contributions if you have not done so.
Band: https://www.oilermusicguild.org/product-page/2024-band-camp
Color Guard: https://www.oilermusicguild.org/product-page/color-guard-camp-2024
Current OMG Happenings
Upcoming/Current Fundraisers:
Color Guard is selling World’s Finest Chocolate, $2 each.
Photography Fundraiser: Carol Larsen Photography is offering Mini Photo Sessions on Nov 3rd at Central Park AND, just added, Nov 6th and 13th at the pier for just $275 for holiday or senior pictures. They are 20 min sessions and include 5 digital images of your choice. She will be donating $50 per session to Color Guard’s Dayton fund. See flyer below.
Click on the link below to secure your time slot.
Check out Carol’s beautiful photos on social media
Upcoming OMG Meetings-
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Wednesday, January 8, 2024
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Thursday, May 8, 2025
Thursday, June 5, 2025 - OMG Banquet
Les Miserables, fall musical- 10/11-13, 10/18-20
CSBC Band Champs, Saturday 11/23
Looking Back-
Post all of your OMG fun photos, award photos, and event photos on our share site! And download photos and videos of your kids! Check out our Shared Google Photo Folder here!

You make OMG better!
Every time you help,
every moment of time,
every item,
and every dollar donated,
makes our programs better!
And the best part is getting to spend time
with the best kids in Huntington Beach!!
Thank you for all you do!
Click the link below to see our upcoming Marching Band, Orchestra, and Color Guard events and find out how you can help!
APA Orchestra Schedule & Updates
Parents - Thank you so much for those of you that have already signed up for feeding the Les Miserables pit orchestra. We still have a open spots on the 19th. Click on the link below to see if you can help us out. Thanks!
Schedule 10/14-19-
Tuesday, October 15th:
2:00-3:00 p.m.
Advanced Honors Piano
3:15-4:15 p.m.
Pianos B
Wind/Percussion Orchestra
4:30-5:30 p.m.
String Orchestra
Thursday, October 17th:
2:00-3:00 p.m.
Advanced Honors Piano
3:15-4:15 p.m.
Pianos B
Wind/Percussion Orchestra
4:30-5:30 p.m.
String Orchestra
5:45-7:30 p.m.
Pit Orchestra Touch-up rehearsal (auditorium
Friday, October 18th:
9:00 a.m.
Call time for Pit Orchestra recruiting show (students excused)
5:30 p.m.
Call Time: Pit Orchestra
7:00 p.m.
Show #4
Saturday, October 19th:
5:30 p.m.
Call Time: Pit Orchestra
7:00 p.m.
Show #5
Sunday, October 20th:
12:45 p.m.
Call Time: Pit Orchestra
2:00 p.m.
Show #6
5:00 p.m. (approx.)
Post-show strike/cleanup
Upcoming Events-
October 23rd: 7:30 p.m. APA Orchestra Recital (Winds and Percussion)
October 24th: 7:30 p.m. APA Orchestra Recital (Strings and Pianos)
Full schedule: https://www.oilermusicguild.org/events
Additional Notes for Parents/Students-
- Students: Please remember to turn in your emergency packets ASAP!
- First week down of Les Miserables! A huge thank you to the parents who have supported us through the busy tech week and first weekend of shows, and an extra huge shout-out to all parents who helped with the rapid transition on Saturday from the band competition!
- This week is focused again on chamber rehearsals, as our recitals come up the week after! October is a busy month in all sorts of ways, and make sure students are staying on top of classwork.
- Pit orchestra has a touch-up rehearsal on Thursday with the cast, and we are also welcoming middle school students on Friday, October 18th in the morning. Excusal requests have already been sent for Pit Orchestra students.
-Our next events after the musical are our Fall Recital programs, scheduled during the week of October 23rd. Winds and Percussion students will perform in a short recital in the Black Box Theater on October 23rd, and the Strings and Piano students will perform on October 24th in the same venue.
- Orchestra Handbook: 2024/25 Handbook
- Click below to access the APA Orchestra Google Calendar!