APA Orchestra Schedule and Updates

Our final regular season Home Football Game is on Halloween, this Thursday! Join us before the game, as we will be honoring
our Marching Band and Color Guard Seniors. Stay for Halftime to see a once in a lifetime Halloween presentation including Marching Band, Color Guard, Cheer, and HBHS Dance! We will need help in a few different ways for this game, sign up to help with
photography, visitor concessions, Senior uniforms, costumes,
or donate goods to be sold.
OMG's busy season is nearing it's end!
It's time for our final Fall push through the Holiday season!!
Our community is here to support you
in any way you need!
And don't forget,
"many hands make light work"
and the more we can help and support each other,
the better our program will be
and the easier it will be for all of us!

Connect to our OMG Google Calendar to keep up to date with program-wide happenings and events! Click the link below and subscribe to OMG Calendar! Check out the program sections below to add those calendars also! Our calendars are also available on our website. Register as a Member at www.oilermusicguild.org so you don't miss any updates!
Looking ahead-
Champs is right around the corner. We need everyone's help to make it successful. Please sign up to help that day and to bring equipment.Â
CSBC Championships- Hosted at HBHS needs YOU for it's success! Working parents are welcome!! We can work around your schedule if you can help. We have a couple of co-Chair positions still available. let Cielito know if you are able to help, hbomg.president@gmail.com.
Parking Co-Chair:Â good at logistics
Ticketing Co-Chair:Â good at handling money
Programs and Sponsorship: computer skills to build layouts. We have templates already
Here is a more detailed description of each position.
Student Shout Outs! Do you have a Band or Color Guard student you want to give a shout out to? Purchase a student ad in the CSBC Program for Champs. Visit our website shop and choose Full Page, Half Page or Quarter Page Student Ad.
Group sign ups https://signup.com/go/qpOdrPS
Do you enjoy hanging out with the Marching Band, Color Guard and Orchestra Students? Do you want to influence how next years program looks? Can we count on you to be part of next year's OMG Board? Being on the board is a great opportunity to get involved and help all these talented students. If you know someone who would be a good fit, or if you want to be more involved in nominations, please reach out to our Parliamentarian, Linda Farrow.  Â
Current OMG Happenings
Upcoming/Current Fundraisers:
Mini Photo Sessions with Carol Larsen Photography. See flyer below for details. She will be donating $50 per session to Color Guard’s Dayton fund.Â
Click on the link below to secure your time slot.
Check out Carol’s beautiful photos on social media
BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse Dine Out: Nov. 21, 2024
Raising Cane's Dine Out: Dec. 5, 2024
Outback Steakhouse Dine Out: Dec. 9, 2024
Upcoming OMG Meetings-
7pm in M1 or via Zoom
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Thursday, May 8, 2025
Thursday, June 5, 2025 - OMG Banquet
CSBC Band Champs, Saturday 11/23
Looking Back-
Post all of your OMG fun photos, award photos, and event photos on our share site! And download photos and videos of your kids! Check out our Shared Google Photo Folder here!

CSBC Band Champs Program Ads
 now available for purchase!Â

APA Orchestra Schedule and Updates

To see more photos from our Orchestra Recital and much more, visit our Google Photo Share Folder. You can add your photos and video!
APA Orchestra
Schedule 10/28-11/2-
Tuesday, October 28th:
Today’s focus will be wrapping up the recital process and discussing takeaways from the performances and the rehearsal process.Â
2:00-3:00 p.m.
Adv. Honors Piano
3:15-4:15 p.m.
Pianos B
Wind Orchestra
4:30-5:30 p.m.
String Orchestra
Thursday, October 31st: NO REGULAR APA CLASSES TODAY
2:00 p.m.
Room Opens
3:00-3:30 p.m.
Pit Orchestra Wrap-up meeting (Les Mis Orchestra)
Upcoming Events-
November 14th-17th: APA Theater Fall Play (select students involved)
November 23rd: HBHS and Oiler Music Guild-Hosted California State Band Championships
November 25th-29th: HBHS Fall Break
December 9th-12th: Sounds of the Season Rehearsals
December 13th: Sounds of the Season Concert #1 (7:00 p.m.)
December 14th: Sounds of the Season Concert #2 (2:00 p.m.)
December 14th: Sounds of the Season Concert #3 (7:00 p.m.)
Full schedule: https://www.oilermusicguild.org/events
Additional Notes for Parents/Students-
We just finished our Fall Recital series, which saw almost every student in the orchestra program perform a short selection in one of two programs this week. Thank you to everyone who attended to support the students, and keep an eye out for 2-3 recital events that we will host in the Spring semester! With the completion of the recital, students will be spending Tuesday discussing the performances and areas of strength and weakness in their preparation. Then all APA Orchestra students have Thursday, October 31st off of regular Orchestra classes. There will be a short 30 minute wrap-up meeting for the Pit Orchestra students at 3:00, but it will conclude no later than 3:30 p.m..
As we turn to November, our sights go to our next upcoming events: Sounds of the Season, our collaboration with Dramatic Production in Tartuffe (only a few students involved), and the CSBC Band Championships event.
Students will begin rehearsing their holiday music in November when we return, and there will be an addition of the combined Advanced Orchestra for the holiday and festival seasons ahead.Â
    - Orchestra Handbook: 2024/25 Handbook
- Click below to access the APA Orchestra Google Calendar!