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APA Orchestra Updates and Schedule- Week of 5/20

Jennifer Stroh

APA Orchestra Schedule and Updates

Busy week this week for our OMG students! 


Monday we're having photos done for Band, Guard, and Orchestra! Make sure kids know what clothing they need to bring to school for each. Individual and group photos can be ordered by bringing in THIS FORM, or going to this website, pre-order packages using this link. Make sure you specify which program your child is in (or which photos you would like if they're in multiple programs). 


Tuesday is Orchestra’s Chamber Recital at 7pm in the Student Center. Come watch our amazing Orchestra show off their skills in small ensembles and big ones!


Thursday is our Jazz Cabaret at 7pm in the Black Box. Come see our awesome Jazz Big Band and Jazz Lab Band perform some fabulous, fun Jazz music! 


Next Monday is Memorial Day! Wind Ensemble will be performing at the HB Memorial Day Ceremony at Pier Plaza starting at 10am. Don't miss this wonderful ceremony honoring the amazing individuals who gave their lives for our country.


Our Annual OMG Banquet is approaching quickly and it can happen without support from all of you!

This is a super fun family event where we celebrate all of our Seniors as well as any individual awards that our kids have earned. We hope everyone can join us!

We especially need your help to...

Upload your OMG Photos for our slideshow!

Help with the event!

See more about our Banquet below and on our website.

We're getting towards the end of the school year, so we have lots of final performances and awards ceremonies coming up. Keep reading your emails and keep an eye on our Instagram for info!


 All of our programs have events coming up and we always need volunteers! Every moment of time, every item, and every dollar donated, makes our programs better! Click the link below to see our upcoming Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, Drumline, Orchestra, and Color Guard events and find out how you can help!

Current OMG Happenings


  • Orchestra Chamber Recital- Tuesday, May 21st

  • Jazz Cabaret- Thursday, May 23rd

  • Color Guard to Receive Mayor Spotlight Award- Tuesday, May 28

  • Band Pops- Wednesday, June 5th

  • Banquet, Senior Center- Thursday, June 6

APA Orchestra Schedule and Updates


APA Orchestra- 5/20-24


We’re quickly approaching the end of the year! A few things left to go.


On Monday of this week, we are joining the band for program photos, which can be purchased by printing THIS FORM and have your student bring it with them AND payment on picture day. Alternatively, you can pre-order packages using this link. Use password 9152. I was told the last day to use this link would be TODAY, 5/19. Full group and individual photos are available. Students interested in taking an individual photo should plan to have their instrument available. 


Students should have all-black or black pants/tux shirt concert attire for the photo!


Our chamber recital is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. this week on Tuesday as well! Come support our honors students (plus friends!) as they perform chamber music with ensembles that they have been leading rehearsals for!


Monday, May 20th:

3:00 p.m.

Call Time: Photo day!

4:15 p.m. (tentative)

Students dismissed 

Tuesday, May 21st:

1:30 p.m.

Room opens 

3:00 p.m.

Full program student meeting (Band Room) for Academy Awards final voting

Black Box Theater open after meeting for chamber dress rehearsals 

6:30 p.m.

Student call-time: Chamber recital 

7:00 p.m.

Student Recital (Black box theater)

Thursday, May 23rd (No rehearsals scheduled!):

1:30 p.m.

Room opens

6:00 p.m.

Room closed

Upcoming Events

  • May 21st @ 7:00 p.m.: Student Chamber Recital

  • DATE TBD: Senior+ Recital

Additional Notes for Parents/Students

  • A reminder for concert/photo attire! All students must wear one of the following combinations:

  • Black dress pants (not jeans), black dress shirt, black socks, all-black dress shoes, black belt, black dress jacket (optional)

  • Black dress pants (not jeans), white/tuxedo dress shirt, black socks, all-black dress shoes, black belt, black dress jacket (optional)

  • Black dress (floor length), black or white top/blouse, black dress shoes, black socks (if needed)

  • The student chamber recital is scheduled for May 21st, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Black Box Theater. All students in small groups will perform this evening.

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Julie Mitchell
Julie Mitchell
May 20, 2024

Hi! I'm trying to sign up to volunteer at the recital on Tuesday, but the link only has the 4th of July, and the banquet listed.

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