Wind Ensemble/Drumline/Jazz Band Schedule and Updates
OMG Meeting This Wednesday, May 1st @ 7pm!
Come join us to hear about all of the amazing experiences and awards these fabulous kids have gotten!!
We will also be voting for our new board members at this meeting. Nominated for Secretary- Julie Mitchell; Nominated for Parliamentarian- Linda Farrow.
We're getting towards the end of the school year, so we have lots of final performances and awards ceremonies coming up. Keep reading your emails and keep an eye on our Instagram for info!
Do you need to clear out your closets? We need your stuff. We are doing a Savers FUNDrive on May 18. We are collecting clothing, shoes, household items, books, toys. We will have a collection period from May 16-18.
All of our programs have events coming up and we always need volunteers! Every moment of time, every item, and every dollar donated, makes our programs better! Click the link below to see our upcoming Drumline, Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, and Color Guard events and find out how you can help!
Announcement from our OMG Banquet Planning Chairs:
Save the Date for the Annual OMG Awards Banquet on
Thursday, June 6th
6pm to 9pm
at the Central Park Senior Center, Parkview Ballroom
18041 Goldenwest St, Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Check In will begin at 5:45pm
Mediterranean Cuisine Buffet Dinner will begin service at 6:15pm
Awards will begin at 6:30pm
Tickets are $30 per person from May 1st-31st and include dinner & dessert, can be purchased at
We are also looking for volunteers to help up with the set up and decorating as well as the clean up at this venue - If you are available to arrive early to stay to help us remove our decorations once the awards have completed we would be truly grateful for your assistance. Please click and sign up on the link below so that we can be sure we have enough assistance, Thank you!
Lastly, If you have a Senior student, please be sure to check your emails for a message from Katherine Bello & Nicole Burmaster, this year's banquet coordinators. There is a special request for some assistance for something very special that we can only pull off with your help- Thank you so much!
-Katherine & Nicole
Current OMG Happenings
Monday, April 29th @ 6:30pm- Color Guard and Drumline Showcase @ Marina High School
Friday, May 3rd @ 7pm- District Jazz Fest @ Oceanview High School
OMG meetings for the rest of the year:
May 1- Wednesday, Austin present
June 6- Thursday, Banquet, Senior Center
We have a nomination for Secretary: Julie Mitchell
We have a nomination for Parliamentarian: Linda Farrow.
Elections are on May 1, 2024
Do you like to plan events? We are still looking for Tournament Chairpersons for Band Champs in the fall and Color Guard Tournaments in the Spring. Please contact Heather Lopez, our Parliamentarian, at if you would like to get involved.
Spring donations are due! Please pay your donations for Drumline, Wind Ensemble, Winter Guard and Jazz Band. It pays for the Specialists, costumes, props, and equipment. It is tax deductible. Click below to make your family donation today! Thank you for your support!!
We are looking for photos to add to a slideshow for the Year End Banquet. Please click "Photos" below to upload any photos/videos you wish to share.
Band Schedule - 4/29 - 5/3
Monday, Apr 29th
Lab Band 2:00 - 4:30pm
Drumline load trucks and change 3:45pm
Drumline leave for Marina HS 4:15pm
Drumline/CG showcase 6:30pm
ETA back to HBHS 9:30pm
Wednesday, May 1st
Wind Ensemble 1:41 - 3:22pm
AP Music Theory 3:30 - 4:45pm
Jazz Big Band 5:00 - 7:00pm
Friday, May 3rd
Wind Ensemble 1:41 - 3:22pm
Additional Jazz Band rehearsal in the afternoon if needed…TBD.
District Jazz Fest @ Oceanview HS 7:00pm / Call time @ HBHS 6:00pm
Upcoming Events
May 11th - RCC Jazz Festival (Big Band)
May 15th - Leadership Interviews
May 18th - Costa Mesa Jazz Festival
Full schedule:
Additional Notes for Parents/Students
-Congratulations to Drumline! We placed first in our group at Championships and also got the highest score across the entire division. Thank you to everyone for their hard work and special thanks to all of our parent volunteers! Couldn’t have done it without you.
-Monday night is Drumline’s last performance at the HBUHSD Drumline and Color Guard showcase @ Marina High School. Everyone is encouraged to join, and attendance is free!
-Friday night is the HBUHSD District Jazz Fest, where both Lab Band and Big Band will be performing. This showcase is also free and everyone is encouraged to join! 7:00pm at Oceanview High School.