APA Orchestra Schedule and Updates
Last chance to see Singin' in the Rain, March 24!
See APA Orchestra at the Philharmonic Society Orchestra Festival on March 25th, 2024 at Segerstrom Concert Hall in Costa Mesa. $20 Tickets are still available through the Philharmonic Society website. Click here for tickets. Be sure to enter "HBAPA" where it says "coupon code" so 50% of the proceeds come back to OMG!
Come support the Band at our Spring Band Concert in the Auditorium on Wednesday, 3/27 at 7pm!
ALL HANDS ON DECK! We need your help when HBHS hosts the WGASC for Winter Guard on 3/30 (more details below)! Help chaperone Drumline Competitions as well as Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, and Orchestra Festivals!
Click below to see our events and sign up to help out or donate!
Current OMG Happenings
OMG meetings for the rest of the year:
April 11- Thursday, Peter present
May 1- Wednesday, Austin present
June 6- Thursday, Banquet, Senior Center
DONATIONS NEEDED! Can we borrow you ICE CHEST, CANOPY, and/or CROCK POT? Sign up to donate below.
HELP NEEDED! We especially need a GRILL MASTER. We need EVERY FAMILY to sign up to help. Drumline families, please help us out to set up or tear down. Please sign up below for specific stations/jobs or as a floater to help wherever needed.
Looking for somebody who knows how to make Spam Musubi.
We are planning on selling Spam Musubi at the Winter Guard Tournament on March 30 and we need somebody to make about 100. All items needed will be supplied. Click the Sign Up Button above if you can help!
We are looking for parents to hold Chairperson positions to help the 2024-2025 Oiler Music Guild Board. We are especially looking for Tournament Chairpersons and Band Uniform Chairperson (we will have new band uniforms next year). Please contact Heather Lopez, our Parliamentarian, at hblopez6@gmail.com.
Spring donations are due! Please pay your donations for Drumline, Wind Ensemble, Winter Guard and Jazz Band. It pays for the Specialists, costumes, props, and equipment. It is tax deductible. Click below to make your family donation today! Thank you for your support!! https://www.oilermusicguild.org/shop
APA Orchestra- 3/25-3/30
We’ve almost made it to Spring break! It’s been an action-packed month around all of the music programs at HB. Singin' in the Rain has reached it’s conclusion, and the Pit Orchestra has not only performed at an incredibly high level, but it has been some of the most fun I’ve had working with students from the past year. Bravo to all the students involved!
We will have a light week after Monday’s festival performance, with just Pianos and Chamber Orchestra meeting on Thursday. APA Orchestra programs will not meet on Tuesday, March 26th. When we return from Spring break, we will have an updated schedule for our month leading into chamber recitals and Fanfare!
Finally, a second HUGE thank you to the parent volunteers both weekends during the musical! Thank you for taking the time to help out behind the scenes, and it makes such a huge impact on the students’ success through these long weekends. I personally appreciate it so much, and thank you for the gracious sharing of your time to support these wonderful musicians in the program.
Monday, March 25th:
CALL TIME (Students will be excused from courses after this time): 1:30 p.m.
Schedule: Festival Day
NOTE: Students need to bring their dress clothes to school with them. - Option 1: White Tuxedo Shirt, Black dress pants (slacks, no jeans), black socks, black dress shoes, black bowtie
- Option 2: White Dress Shirt, black Tuxedo/Suit Jacket, Black dress pants (slacks, no jeans), black socks, black dress shoes, black bow tie/black tie
- Option 3: All-black floor-length dress with minimum quarter-length sleeves
These options are intentionally non-gender specific. Students should wear what they are most comfortable with. These dress guidelines match the previous years’ specifications, with the additional option of a suit jacket.
1:30 p.m.: Warm-up and rehearsal (M1)
2:30 p.m.: Break and load buses
3:00 p.m.: Depart HBHS
3:50 p.m.: Arrive at Segerstrom Center for the Performing Arts
4:30 p.m.: Observe performances in the hall
5:15 p.m.: Break for snack/unload instruments and equipment
6:20 p.m.: Warm-up (Samueli Theater)
7:00 p.m.: Performance
7:30 p.m.: End of Performance
7:50 p.m.: Load buses (at this time, students may be signed out by parents if in attendance. Parents must speak with me directly to sign the student out at this time, as I am responsible for their safety during this trip).
8:15 p.m.: Depart Segerstrom Center
9:00 p.m.: Arrival at HBHS/Unload Equipment and Instruments
9:20 p.m.: Dismissal (M1)
Tuesday, March 26th:
Thursday, March 28th:
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Pianos 1
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Pianos 2
Chamber Orchestra
Saturday, March 30th:
OMG is hosting a Color Guard Competition @ HBHS. Even though it’s a Color Guard competition, it benefits the entire program so we will need help from band and APA orchestra. Click below to sign up. https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/1051071816062/false#/invitation
Upcoming Events
Philharmonic Society of Orange County Festival @ Segerstrom Center for the Performing Arts: March 25th (Performance time: 7:00 p.m.)
Mar 30th - Color Guard competition hosted at HBHS! Please volunteer to help out. Funds we earn goes for our entire program. https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/1051071816062/false#/invitation
Fanfare: May 10th
Additional Notes for Parents/Students
We will take the stage at 7:00 p.m. on Monday. Tickets will be available for purchase for $20 (price set by Philharmonic Society) through the band office/OMG, and any tickets purchased through us will have half their value donated back to the orchestra program.
We still need 1 parent volunteer to be bus chaperones. Each chaperone will be given a ticket to see the performance. Please sign up and get information here…
APA is turning 30!! There will be a celebration on April 21 during intermission of the 12 pm Clue performance.
Know anyone interested in joining APA in the fall? Last chance to apply for APA next year! Applications due 3/29. hbapa.org/